RegioVision is an independent, owner-managed service and project management company with almost 20 years of experience in the areas of labor market integration, personnel placement, business development and educational work based in Schwerin, the capital of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Core competence is the conception, coordination and implementation of regional and European labor market projects. The close cooperation between companies and associations as well as European and regional network partners is the starting point for economic, professional and innovative project work.
Ilmiofuturo is made up of an innovator team in the field of Lifelong Learning System, with the aim to support people in their personal and professional growth. In today’s complex world where rules and roles change continuously, Ilmiofuturo supports people in reaching a proper personal self-fulfilment condition. It promotes transformative learning processes addressed: to people on key skills in order to make them “activated and inspired”; to trainers/teachers on the design and the implementation of learner-centred teaching approaches.
Ilmiofuturo also works on research and innovation of the learning processes implementing complex projects. Over the last three years, Ilmiofuturo implemented over twelve international projects on the learning processes innovation topics.
Belgrade City Library (BCL) is the largest lending library in Serbia, founded in 1931. It‘s a parent library for a network of 13 municipal libraries and their branches. Its holdings consist of almost 1.700.000 items, kept in some 70 facilities. BCL has about 140,000 users and 230 employees. Central library is placed in one of the fairest buildings in Belgrade, a cultural monument in the center of the city. BCL is one of Belgrade‘s main cultural and educational centers. Its two main mottos are «The Library – Cultural Heart of Belgrade» and «The Library – A Place for All». This shows that BLC’s desire is to lively participate in cultural and social life of the city, as well as that it is open to all types of services and activities, able to accommodate each and every citizen.
Decroly is a private educational center located in Santander, Spain, which stands out for promoting a diverse and varied offer of basic vocational training, intermediate training cycles (CFGM) and higher training cycles (CFGS) in its different modalities and approved regulations. Decroly offers the citizens of Cantabria a comprehensive training in line with the economic and labor reality of the Autonomous Community of Cantabria.
Decroly focuses both on improving basic competencies and on developing and strengthening entrepreneurial challenges, initiative skills and the eight key competencies: communication in the mother tongue; communication in foreign languages (bilingual cycles in high school); mathematical competence and basic competencies in science and technology; digital competence; social and civic competence; initiative and entrepreneurship; learning to learn; cultural awareness and expression.
CIAPE is an Italian non-profit cultural association promoting lifelong learning in an innovative and inclusive way. It holds sound expertise in designing and carrying out training activities aimed at developing and validating soft skills, as well as the competences required in the future labor market. The organization works, daily, in synergy with more than 300 like-minded entities and organisations from all over Europe and beyond; indeed, CIAPE is:
– designer of innovative ideas aimed at ensuring the accessibility of learning to multiple target groups, such as adult students, seniors, professionals, and groups at risk of exclusion
– skilled in learning methods calibrated to learners’ exigencies and in the management of in-service training courses and sectoral study visits
– experienced in EU, national and regional projects management (more than 60 EU projects since 2009)
– Italian antenna of EPALE, the Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe
Konya Provincial National Education Directorate is a state institution in charge of the planning and coordination of all kinds of educational and training activities in preschool, primary, secondary and adult education in Konya. Konya Province has 31 districts with 2.654 schools, 485.893 students and 33.770 teachers in total. Konya İl MEM is an umbrella organisation for all these. Konya İL MEM’s vision is to be a qualified, prominent institution that has reached the level to compete with equivalent institutions in Turkey and in the other modern countries with ensuring authentic contribution to the development of the Turkish National Education System by providing effective usage of knowledge, skill, value and technology required for Knowledge Era.
The Association ALTUM is a non-profit non-governmental organization. The association was established in 2009. Since then the Association ALTUM implements non-formal and formal education and works with both adults and young people. Association’s Training center’s teachers conducts classes and courses for people in several places Latvia. Association and its staff have participated and gained experience in various projects in Latvia, Estonia, Poland and several other European countries.
Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) is the biggest research organization in Slovenia for pure and applied research in the natural sciences and technology. At present, the Institute, totalling about 1.000, has a research staff of about 700. In view of its activities and status, JSI plays a role of a kind of national institute, complementing the role of universities and bridging the gap between science and applications, stimulating the triangle research – innovation – education.
ETBI (Education and Training Boards Ireland) is the national representative association for Ireland’s sixteen Education and Training Boards (ETBs). ETBI were established 1 July 2013 to provide education and training provision in communities throughout Ireland. Laois & Offaly Education and Training Board (LOETB) provides education services in Ireland including a Further Education and Training (FET) Service. Our FET Service strives continually to both develop and provide a wide range of quality learning opportunities for adults throughout Laois and Offaly including prison education.
“Self-activity is the indispensable requirement for independence.” The German association Jugendkunst e.V., founded in 1992 and based in Stralsund, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, does youth work with the means of art, but without creating overprotective „shelters“. Participants are given access to creative possibilities that enable them to articulate thoughts and ideas through artistic means. In doing so, they learn to deal independently with traditional techniques and modern cultural media.